WordPress 2.8: Menu do editor visual não aparece 2

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Após atualizar o WordPress para a versão 2.8, o editor visual de Posts parou de funcionar. Em 4 dos 5 blogs que administro, o editor visual parou de funcionar após a atualização.

Achei a solução no forum de suporte do WordPress:

Try these things to resolve problems with Visual Editor and editor tool bar

1. Delete or refresh the browser cache

2. If using Gears, disable it and re-enable it again

3. Delete wp-admin and wp-includes directories and upload fresh copies from a new(important) install package or reinstall automatically

4. Visit http://yoursite.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php and look for any PHP errors or warnings at the top. If there are any try contacting your hosting provider to resolve them or try the next step. Of course replace yoursite.com with your domain

5. Add define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); near the top of wp-config.php. That would make WordPress admin run slower, so can try removing it in a few days and testing again (this would eliminate any stale network cache)

6. Some people also reported success redoing the upgrade via Tools->Upgrade->Re-install automatically, then clearing the browser cache.

7. A number of plugins have been reported to present problems so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to find culprit

8. Try another browser

9. Confirm that Your Profile, “Disable the visual editor when writing”, is NOT checked.

Chamou minha atenção que em cada blog a solução foi diferente:

  • Neste blog, o editor voltou a funcionar após desativar o plugin SyntaxHighlighter;
  • Nos blogs da Soliarte e da Conceito Diferente, foi necessário reinstalar o WordPress;
  • Já o blog do Dr. Tanajura foi o único em que precisei incluir o define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); no wp-config.php.

Saiba +

photo credit: herzogbr